yosemite firefall

One of the exciting things we used to see at Yosemite, years ago when I was a kid, was the “firefall”. This happened every night at 9PM, when they shoved burning embers over a cliff in the distance, and it looked like a flaming waterfall from the valley below. It was something my brother Fred […]


Tom was an avid camper, and one of his favorite destinations was Yosemite. He took his family there often. Although Tom and I never went to Yosemite together, we did camp at other places when he was little. Interestingly enough, Yosemite was a favorite spot where my own dad (Tom’s grandpa Philip Marton) took me and my brother […]

camino cielo

Tom enjoyed taking drives and hikes in the Camino Cielo area — for example, the Snyder Trail near Knapp’s Castle was one he hiked and introduced me to. One of my favorite memories is a drive Tom and I took in 1995 or so, along the entire length of West Camino Cielo, from Highway 154 […]